Friday, 21 September 2012

Induction Task - Music Piracy - Double Page Spread

Media Studies - Evaluation

 I was able to research and view various other magazine double page spreads using Google. I felt that research was one of my strong points as I knew what to look for and was able to look for inspiration for my own piece of work. I feel my journalistic skills have enabled me to make some good arguments, although I feel I could have written more.
 feel I picked up the basics of InDesign reasonable quickly, as the UI is similar to Adobe Photoshop, and although they have different functions, the basic toolset was similar. I feel development of my InDesign skills would enable me to channel my creativity further and set a more professional tone to my magazine.

My web publishing skills were the most efficient as it is something I have experience with in the past. It was made easier due to the fact I already had a G-Mail account set up, thus shortening the process of starting up a blogger account.